About Me
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Developer and Command Line Tools
Neovim for lightweight, speedy text and code editing
LazyVim for making Neovim an IDE-like editor
Godot for libre and community-driven game dev tools
Alacritty for a minimal, performant, and configurable terminal
Zellij for user-friendly terminal multiplexing
Lazygit for user-friendly Git actions and interface
Illustration/Video Creation Tools
Blender for 3D modeling, sculpting, and animation
Inkscape for icons, UI, and other vector-based imagery
GIMP for raster-based image creation and editing
Kdenlive for libre video processing and production
BeeRef for viewing and setting up images for references
Fedora for a libre and innovative operating environment
KDE Plasma for a familiar, featureful desktop environment
LibreWolf* for a more private, secure, and libre Firefox
Gruvbox for soothing, discernible colors for the OS