Why I Chose to Make Alts for Art Sites I'm On (v2)

Why I Chose to Make Alts for Art Sites I'm On (v2)

Posted on 2025 January 16 ยท Updates

I made the decision that from now on, for some art platforms I'm on such as Newgrounds and Sheezy.Art, I'll make alternate accounts for sexual and fetish imagery specifically. Media relating to blood and gore will still be posted on my main accounts, but will be given a warning. Sensitive media will be posted on this website, but must be enabled in settings.

After thinking about it and asking about making alts in multiple places, particularly the Newgrounds forums, I decided to go through with it. In case if anybody else is thinking about doing the same, I want to explain my personal reasons for this. They consist of:

  • A part of my audience will always be people interested in Frutiger Aero related media (such as the theming around this site), and I think that comes with people who only like SFW media, too. I don't want to creep those guys out with some weird stuff I want to make.
  • I know some of my audience are actual minors. I mean, there's a chance they already play rated M games, but still.
  • So many artists already do it, and I've been using browser profiles and password managers for years, so it's not like doing it anyways is going to hurt me.